MAKO HVLS fans require much less energy than traditional HVAC systems plus it brings comfort because of the gentle cooling breeze it exhausts, making this beneficial in the long run.

Since it runs at low speeds, it also reduces the consumption of energy thereby helping the environment.

It is often used to supplement HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems as they give stronger cooling effect while at the same time supports constant temperature and humidity.

» It moves large amounts of air.
» It cuts condensation and humidity.
» It also promotes cleaner air due to better air circulation.
» It cuts on electric bills by up to 30% if used with HVAC.
» It also improves productivity.

MAKO Safety Features

  • Safety plate attached to the frame prevents separation in the unlikely event of drive shaft failure.
  • Safety ring secures the connection between motor and hub.
  • Extra cables wrap around the bolted brackets at the ceiling and the top of the extension tube.
  • The hub attached to the motor with a reverse-threaded bolt and tapered aluminum bushing.
  • Four stabilization cables from the motor housing to the ceiling limit vibration and give added safety.

MAKO HVLS fans can be installed at:

  • Warehousing and Distribution Centers
  • Manufacturing
  • Cold Storage / Food Manufacturing
  • Convention Centers
  • Aviation Facilities
  • Sports Arenas / Gymnasium
  • Shopping Malls / Supermarkets
  • Churches / Chapels
  • Showrooms
  • Farms
  • Facilities in Humid Climates